Frequently Asked Questions

Who can you contact to start the process of your dream home?

You have come to the right place, we have contact us tab in our menu or simply just fill in your message on our home page and someone from our knowledgeable team will be in contact with you.

How long will my project take to build?
This will depend entirely on the scope of the project, however the estimated length of build time will be stated within your contract and you will be updated on the ongoing construction of your home.
Where do you build?

As we are custom home builder, mostly building infills. Our on going projects are located in the west jasper place.

Do you include Landscaping?

If you would like Landscaping to be included in your project we work with several talented, local Landscape Architects, Designers and Gardeners and will happily coordinate this for you.

What is the process for Designing & Building my new home?
When you engage with our professional team of experts, we will guide you through to end of the complicated yet easy process.
The design and building process includes:
• A consultation with our team to go over the scope of work that is needed to build your dream home.
• Design and creation of working drawings, including engineering and specifications of your brand new home
• Construction Stage.
• Frame-stage walk through with Rivera homes expert and our leading sub-contractors.
• Handover
• 3 Month rectification follow-up
• Warranty.
•  On going support of our team to complete our promise to you as a honest and compling home builder.

Let's Find You Together The Place You Deserve

Creating or discovering the ideal house is an adventure. Rivera Homes wants your journey to be a pleasure for you, not a chore. We’ll be your company and guide all the way home. We will work closely with you to create the premium bespoke house of your dreams.